365 days in South America - Reisverslag uit Bogota, Colombia van Jorrit Vries - WaarBenJij.nu 365 days in South America - Reisverslag uit Bogota, Colombia van Jorrit Vries - WaarBenJij.nu

365 days in South America

Door: Jorrit

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Jorrit

02 Maart 2014 | Colombia, Bogota

It feels a bit like a Birthday. Little did I know when my adventure started on the 2nd of February, 2009. How could I have expected to be on this fascinating continent for such a long time? How could I have expected that South-America would give me more than I ever could imagine, whereas I thought to bring something there instead? Even though it may only have been a year in total, for me it’s proof that time doesn’t tick away equally fast in the whole world. Sure, a second is the same in Buenos Aires as it is in Bemelen, but the impact of the experience is way different and elongated, more profound and elicit. Like natural cocaine, right?;)

However beautiful the landscapes, the earth, the sky and the oceans may be, what makes me remember and smile are the people and the time I spent with them. A picture from 4 years ago just makes more sense with a person or a group of persons in it, with people smiling, acting weird, having a good time and even better: when being completely in their element. I had the chance to meet people on the way I would never have talked with otherwise and with that they showed me some of their ideas, thoughts, opinions and experiences. And I thank myself on my bare knees (in the soft grass;)) that I made this possible for myself, because never in a million years I would have decided otherwise knowing what kind of affluence would be in those encounters.

I didn’t know my own Dutch Culture until I had to explain it my Mama Tica. I wasn’t aware that dutch travelling people are so cool, until I met Sophie and Denie. And with Lisa I added Germans to that too.. I thought two years of Spanish in High School would have given me a slight clue of what Spanish entails, until I met my Spanish teacher Ana. I thought I knew what partying was and then I met Thijs, whom together with Vivian and Lieke made for some never-to-forget San Jose weekends, later added by Sani. I rendered bodyboarding for gays, until I met Thiago and surfed the Nicaraguan waves. (or at least he surfed and I watched). I never knew a real American Artist and then I played together with Justus. I wouldn’t have known tica’s if I haven’t met Nella. I had not heard of any true jewels in Costa Rican education system until I had the opportunity to work together with Carmen. There isn’t one waterfall I wouldn’t moon with Niklas, Joe and Thijs. I couldn’t imagine a party not dominated by Leanne and Kristina enjoying it. I realized how little you know from your family and how much you can learn to appreciate them as persons when I travelled Panama with Fanny. And I found how crazily engaging and happy Canadians can be in Ian. Lizzeth could not have made my 19th birthday more special. Leyla showed me the true nature of Nicaragua, whereas David astounded me by his view of the world and cycling in Guatemala. My mother and sister are very dear to me, but I already knew that. It was lovely to have them over to show Costa Rica. This journey wouldn’t have been the same with songs coming from it for Juicy Flavour, inspired by Bieke.
Then, three years later I never knew I could love citizens for their passion, strength and independence as I stumbled upon Argentinians. Anouk invited me as any Argentinian would into Buenos Aires. Damn, I realize it almost feels weird writing this in English instead of Spanish . I was never as awestruck with family hospitality until the moment I was picked up at the side of the street by Federico and his father, nor had I known much about Argentinian canooying championships of Ajustin. (I still don’t, really). I learned much of interpersonal relationships in Rada tilly, thanks to Josue. I did believe in casuality, but I was reaffirmed of it when I met Mauro and his companeros, on the road with music guiding as a compass and freedom as asphalt. Mountain climbing and trekking was pretty familiar to me, but mountain RUNNING struck me as quite weird, until I met Kendrick in Ushuaia. Plenty of time to talk and laugh about that with Max, though. And there was always this special vibe at Cecilia’s place, were the three of us ate the horse equivalent of King Crab. Dave, I don’t know if you realized but I was singing at the back of your motorbike when we travelled to this mudplace, I hope to ride again with you. Southern Chilean warmth and a surprisingly good guitar came to me trough the hospitality of Fernanda. And the National Park Torres del Paine I did just on myself. Tom and Saskia, well, we just spend a very nice time together in a beautiful environment. A smile on my face if I think about the conversations we had, so good to have some dutch chat after a while… I whistled the only Spanisch song I could remember which caught the attention of Facundo. Music then proved to be a strong binder in Argentina, and he and Mica later on showed my why Argentina is the pioneer in South-American rock. Escondida rules! I never knew so many right people could show up at the right time at the right space, until I spent my 23th birthday in Bariloche with Guillerme, Kiki, Mariann, Luca, Cam, Ivelina and Jeremie. (Brazil, Argentina, Argentina2, Italy, France, California and France2, respectively). Always good to catch up with fellow medical students, Jennifer!, even in Santiago, why not? Later on I learned how excited you can possibly be to see someone you love, by picking up Laura from the Airport. Travelling with her simply exceeded all my hopes and expectations. Then later on in Peru it was like a Maastricht reunion catching up with Leo. I never have seen a 7 feet man collaps but we managed to suffice for a sick-bay with just the two of us. How convenient we’re both med students too. Bolivia can be resumed in a book by itself, but I didn’t know my family could actually be extended like it did when I met Quinnen, Chris and Ellie. Shopping was always something inconsiderable, until I met Koke and strung around in his shop in Asuncion for a long time. Erez couldn’t have made me more aware of precious time spent together and feedback in the most purest, free form. 1500 kms seems like a long time, but not if you have mate and Jose and Paula and co with you.
And now, in Colombia, with a whole different viewpoint of looking at things, people keep appearing. I am blessed to have Diego and Monica around me in studies and time-off.

Although the time I spent with some of you might have been only a sliver in a vast lapse of time and space, the experience with you formed me as who I am and this short concatenation is a proof of that. I think back to moments a lot. As I said before, moments aren’t defined by seconds, they are defined by how you experience. And the I experience I had with you made me open up for new ones.

This is my South-America tale. Who knows where next?:) Would you go with me? Because you, by reading and sometimes commenting on my blogs were also a part of the experience.

I arrived in Costa Rica, 18 years old, thinking I had the world at my feet. No I am turning 24, almost returning home from Colombia and realizing I am only at the feet of the world.

ps. I might have forgotten some people, don't be mad!:)

  • 03 Maart 2014 - 09:09


    Wat wordt je oud en wijs neefje ;)
    En lief, lief dat je belde!

  • 16 Maart 2014 - 22:43


    Een enkel woord: Heerlijk!

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