At home - looking forward - Reisverslag uit Maastricht, Nederland van Jorrit Vries - At home - looking forward - Reisverslag uit Maastricht, Nederland van Jorrit Vries -

At home - looking forward

Door: Jorrit

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Jorrit

24 Januari 2013 | Nederland, Maastricht

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone – J.W. Goethe

Is it the soul that sees beauty that is ought to walk alone sometimes? Is somebody who wonders and is thrilled by the beauty of nature automatically a ‘loner’, and is this beauty only fully experienced when alone? Or can you share these experiences with one another, proving it was beautiful because it is stored in a shared memory?
Nonetheless, on this journey I am searching to discover a meaningful beauty in things, and I’m doing it mostly alone. From February 14th till August 18th I'll be travelling in South-America and I hope, encouraged by my previous travel experience, that I won’t feel lonely too often. On this blog, that I will maintain during my stay, you will be able to read a answer to the questions stated before, and many others.

The rough sketch itinerary: Starting off in Buenos Aires, Argentina my route will lead me to the southern Cape Horn, via east Argentina. From there on I will travel north again, this time through mid and west Argentina, also hitting Chile from time to time. Visiting a good friend in Santiago de Chile beginning of may, I will continue to go north, making sure I see the wonders to be seen in Peru and Bolivia as well. However, after Chile the plan might change a little, since people are planning to travel with me for a while. By all means, my plane back home will take me back on the 16th of july, hopefully safe and sound, and I’ll be back home at the 18th.

Although some people reply me by saying; ‘What? You’re going after it again? Don’t you better finish your study and start working for a living?’ I am determined in making this trip. I believe in many ways, it is different from the one I started 4 years ago. I have grown, the experience of 3 years student-life behind me, and I have new questions, deeper, broader which need attention. I do believe that travelling makes you able to zoom out of your regular life, thereby making it easy to overview and that helps in knowing whether you are happy with that summary, or maybe not so quite. I also gives rise to purpose, clear defined goals of what you want to achieve in your time and what not. In the busy day to day life of Western society and all the daily patterns, I find it hard to do just that, despite my efforts… That is why I find it necessary to be alone and elsewhere from time to time. After all, you can also reverse the first question: Is the reason why I see beauty that I sometimes walk alone? Maybe.
At least I worked hard to finance this trip so I’m not in depth, which is the most socially accepted answer;)

I think it is not important whether someone sometimes goes alone, and thereby improves his or her vision for beautiful things, (ie, cleaning your filters) or when one sees and recognizes beauty instantly, that one sometimes must be alone. I think the most important thing is that one walks.

I just walk.
Enjoy reading!


  • 24 Januari 2013 - 17:46


    Prachtig! I wish you all the best and I hope you will find the answers in your heart. Go dedicated and strong!

  • 24 Januari 2013 - 21:34


    tot 18 augustus (alinea 2) of 16 juli (alinea 3)?

  • 25 Januari 2013 - 00:09


    Alone definitely is not equal to lonely. Those are different things, being on your own can make you rich and give your mind space to explore, rewind and play :-) Keep on walking!

  • 27 Januari 2013 - 15:40


    Hallo Jorrit,

    Met belangstelling en herkenning zal ik je blijven volgen en verder sluit ik me graag aan bij de mooie woorden van Lies.
    En omdat we toch " ïnternationaal" gaan:


    (goeie reis en we zullen elkaar wederzien)

  • 31 Januari 2013 - 01:58


    Travel, learn, smile and enjoy!
    Buen viaje amigo,

  • 01 Februari 2013 - 09:50

    Fleur & Lars:

    Lieve Jorrit, we hebben je leren kennen hier in huis als een geweldig en gedreven persoon. Als je kijkt naar je verhaal hierboven komt dat ook weer duidelijk naar voor. Knap dat je alleen gaat, knap dat je op zoek gaat naar bepaalde dingen, knap dat je de uitdaging aangaat. En we weten zeker dat je zult genieten. Ook al zou je misschien volgens velen iets 'nuttigers' kunnen gaan doen. wij zijn er van overtuigd dat een dergelijke reis een super basis kan zijn. Belangrijkste is dat je totaal op je zelf bent aangewezen en dat je totaal op je eigen ik moet vertrouwen. Zijn dat niet de kwaliteiten die je dadelijk als arts heel hard nodig hebt? Ga ervoor en geniet. We zien je wel weer eens voorbij wandelen in de zomer dan kunnen we met z'n allen rond een vuurtje zitten en luisteren naar je verhalen.
    Wees voorzichtig. Wij zijn trots dat je gaat!!!!

    Lars & Fleur

  • 01 Februari 2013 - 22:24


    Met veel belangstelling lees ik je beweegredenen en gedachten en zal ik meelezen tijdens je reis! Fantastisch dat je (weer) alleen op pad gaat! Liefs!

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